This summer, Companions Journeying Together hosted an event at the Vino Cellar in Lombard, Illinois. A capacity crowd turned out to encourage our work and enjoy an evening of fellowship.
This gathering was not merely a fundraiser, it was an opportunity to inform people about the importance of our mission and provide supporters of Companions with a chance to get to know one another.
The event was a success. It provided a forum for Companions to express who we are and convey the importance of why we do what we do. The gathering also furnished crucial material support for our work. We raised over $3,000 dollars. These funds will help our organization to provide meaningful programming to incarcerated persons, so that they may foster stronger bonds with their children and realize the good qualities that they possess.
Men and women that are being held in jails are human beings. These people have made mistakes. Like any person, they are worthy of a chance at redemption. We of Companions Journeying Together do everything possible to facilitate this. The spiritual and financial support from everyone that contributed to the July 23rd event, and our mission is appreciated. Thank you.